Longwood Gardens, a jewel situated near Philadelphia, PA, is a place of unparalleled beauty.  Offering a new experience every day of the year, Longwood presents one-of-a kind events, concerts, and programs in breathtaking settings.  Often referred to as the world's premier horticultural showplace, Longwood Gardens' 1,070 acres of natural woodlands, majestic gardens, meadow garden, opulent 4-acre conservatory and dancing fountains are open every day of the year.

Longwood Gardens' research department is currently trialing almost 2000 unique plant accessions.  These plants include hardy trees, shrubs, and perennials, as well as Mediterranean, sub-tropical, and tropical plants for growing under glass.  In addition to being an A.R.T.S.® trial site, Longwood is also an evaluation site for the National Ornamental Grass Trials.  Among Longwood Gardens' most important plant collections are waterlilies, boxwood, lilacs, camellias, orchids, and chrysanthemums.

Trial site manager:  Barrett Wilson, Research Specialist

Trial site contact:  bwilson@longwoodgardens.org

Location of A.R.T.S.® site within property:  Longwood Gardens nursery, not accessible to the public

Geographic region for A.R.T.S.® trial data purposes:  Dfa - Humid Continental warm summer Climate (see CLIMATE MAP)


Longwood Gardens Pictures (3).jpg
Longwood Gardens Pictures (2).jpg


1001 Longwood Road, Kennett Square, PA  19348

Hours of Operation:

9 a.m. - 6 p.m.  Arrangements must be made for site visit with trial site manager


$18 for adults; $15 for seniors; $8 for students; free for ages 4 and under
